
Estrela Guia is a project based on ancestral knowledge and precise calculations, acting as a guide for your well-being. Using astrology, numerology, Ayurveda, aromatherapy and other holistic practices, we seek to connect you with ancient wisdom, showing how everything is interconnected. Often, we have access to this information, but we do not delve deeper. Estrela Guia proposes exactly this exploration, acting as a guide for self-knowledge and balance.
We offer a range of personalized packages that are based on precise calculations and ancient knowledge. Each package is carefully analyzed and structured to provide deep insights into how these wisdoms can impact your daily life. Discover how these insights can reveal aspects that you may have never realized, helping to significantly improve your life.
Completing the Questionnaire: The first step is to fill out a simple and quick questionnaire about yourself.
Personalized Analysis: Within 48 hours, we analyze your answers based on several holistic medicines, creating a unique and personalized guide for you.
Result Delivery: You will receive everything by email, with a detailed PDF and an exclusive audio, if this option is chosen.
Exclusive Gift: In the most complete option, you will also receive a special gift chosen based on your information, to promote your well-being.
Connection with Holistic Medicines: Everything is connected to ancestral practices, offering a path to self-knowledge. It is not fortune-telling, but a guide based on knowledge that already exists, helping you to better understand yourself.
Camila Almeida
Eu gostei bastante, me surpreendeu pois nunca tinha feito um estudo de mim mesma desse tipo e com essas dimensões.
João Vitor Figueiredo
Eu achei bem diferenciado, adorei a ideia e fez sentido pra mim. Sucesso
Elisandra Torres Barcellos
Eu estava curiosa pra saber mais sobre eu mesma. Confesso que tudo fez sentido quando aprendi a me compreender melhor.